Owen ’s spirit-----never give up
Last Saturday , we had such a unforgettable and meaningful cycling competition ,I never know our students were so excellent and wonderful until I got thought that day , all of u were so amazing , I was touched! We are not only a team but also a family , our hand in hand ,heart to heart!
On Saturday, most of students took part in the activities and made two teams ,each of teams were made up 6 people .In order to make it perfect the we painted the T-shirt by ourselves, and with the beautiful flags of Owen ,everyone was so happy and excited ,in fact we never know if we can win but we still expect the competition coming, when we arrive the spot ,wow, there were so many people ,that means we have a lot of competitors ,but wont scare and never gave up, just do it ! .At 2:30 ,all of the competitors were getting together ,ready ,go !
Wow ! The kind of feeling was amazing ,just like something sings in the song“see me fly ,I’m proud to fly up high, to give the best of mine, till the end of time. Believe me I can fly, I am singing in the sky, show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky, nothing can stop me ,spread my wings so wide….”we were so happy even though we felt so tired …
After a while , we heard a bad news about there were students hurt in our team ,but one of them said“ I want to go on my cycling, it s a piece of case ,I don’t care ,nobody can stop me going on,I was happy even though I was hurt, I cant left our other team members ,because we are a team, we must get together ,and if I can ,I want to be your leader and take you guys forward, ok?” “OK!”, that moment everybody was touched ,our hearts feel so warm ,yeah ,we are the team ,no matter what happened ,we will never give up ,that is our Owen’s spirit ,all of you are great ,I cant express that feeling ,but we know ,our hears to hears and hand in hand ever and forever….