Alan (Australia)欧文书院企业培训部主任
Alan来自澳大利亚,曾经在全球70多个大企业担任风险管理和培训工作.来到中国是为了更好地体验中国的文化.他的工作主要是教授企业商务英语,培训企业风险管理. 他的目的就是让企业的学员们融入到全球化,让企业在竞争中脱颖而出.目前在桂林为欧文书院管理企业培训业务.
Alan McKibbin is from Australia. I’m lucky to have worked and lived in 70+ countries primarily in a business capacity. I’m in China to experience Culture in all its forms. My major area of work is centered on Business English, Risk Management and Training. Helping and encouraging students to know there is a Global village ‘out there’ is one of my aims.
时间: 2013-11-25 13:55 来源:未知 作者: 欧文英文书院 点击: 次
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